Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Chopper Tattoo

Now that you’ve decided it to get inked, now you need to decide on what kind tattoo design you really want. You may decide to design your own tattoo. While many people are satisfied with flash, that may not be the right choice for you. If you are looking for something unique – something that really represents exactly who you are and what your are about, then perhaps you should jump right in and design your own tattoo.

Decide what you want your tattoo to accomplish. Do you want to memorialize an event? A person? A death? A celebration? Maybe you want the tattoo just for fun? That is perfectly alright!

The easiest way to get ideas and inspiration is to browse through flash designs in a tattoo gallery. Keep an open mind. Take “pieces” of tattoo designs that you find attractive or inspire you.

Choose a gallery that offers a wide variety of lettering options as well. Look for quality designs.

Chopper Tattoo is highly recommended. They have 1000’s of designs, unlimited printing, a great lettering package and some very cool bonuses.

Once you have completed your finished “design your own tattoo” artwork, take it to your tattoo artist and put any finishing touches that it may need….if it really needs any.

When you design your own tattoo, you are sure to get what you really want. That is important, you have to live with it a long time! Don’t be afraid….design your own tattoo.


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